Blue Aventurine (Tumbled)
As for the metaphysical properties of Blue Aventurine, it mainly exemplifies and harnesses the energy that comes from both your throat chakras and third eye. The stone’s vibration can enhance psychic abilities and potential. Using the stone for meditation can allow you to connect with your inner self, as well as to bring forth to consciousness your psychic gifts and abilities.
Everyone has psychic abilities, just that majority doesn’t have access to it. By placing the stone under your pillow every night will pass its vibrations into your subconscious, allowing you to touch and tap your inner spiritual abilities. You will have a better chance of accessing the spiritual realm.
Aside from enhancing psychic abilities, Blue Aventurine also improves communication skills. This stone will allow you to be more open to others and yourself. It will attract energies of prosperity and abundance that will help increase the chances of acquiring positive results in a situation.
Blue Aventurine is also a powerful mental healer. The stone can diffuse negative energy and make them positive. As our mind tends to release negative feelings and thoughts, the stone will counter that by helping you remove them. This gemstone is useful for conquering self-criticism, cynicism, and pessimism.
This stone is also good for stimulating creativity, independence, and intellect. It will help increase your inner strength and self-discipline, as well as assist you in making firm decisions. It embodies responsibility and stability. By using Blue Aventurine, you can enhance your leadership skills as it helps improve decision-making abilities and intuition.
This stone doesn’t focus on spiritual and mental healing, though, this stone can also provide physical healing benefits. It is said to be good for easing migraines, sleepiness, and headaches. It can assist in addressing the hormonal imbalance, especially for those who are having trouble conceiving. It is also believed that it can help with issues regarding concentration, mental focus, and hyperactivity.
Blue Aventurine also has benefits for relationships. This stone encourages honesty, compassion, and peace, which are all essentials if you are looking to start or keep a relationship with another person. It enhances your communication skills, helping you talk more clearly and effectively, which will save you from misunderstandings that can result in a fight. This stone helps in dissolving bad habits such as d*rug or a*lcohol addiction, smoking, or negative traits such as aggressiveness, overreaction, and selfishness.
This listing is for a single stone, intuitively chosen. If you want to order more than one, add more than one to your cart.
*Stone Sizes vary